スポンサーリンク Encyclopediaスポンサーリンク 2022.09.26 2022.07.17スポンサーリンクEssential.PediaThink Deeply, Broadly and CorrectlyスポンサーリンクINDEXA, B, CD, E, FG, H, IJ, K, LM, N, OP, Q, RS, T, UV, W, XY, ZA, B, CABCD, E, FDEWhat is essence? (1)Answer: "a universal characteristic of a thing" - "an attribute that is common to all of a thing and not common to all other things" - It is the root of recognition that defines "what a thing is." Example: Essence of water is "a universal characteristic called a structure expressed by the chemical formula H2O."What is essence? (2)Answer: "a universal characteristic of a thing" - "an attribute that is common to all of a thing and not common to all other things" - It is the root of recognition that defines "what a thing is." Example: Essence of water is "a universal characteristic called a structure expressed by the chemical formula H2O."What is essence? (3)Answer: "a universal characteristic of a thing" - "an attribute that is common to all of a thing and not common to all other things" - It is the root of recognition that defines "what a thing is." Example: Essence of water is "a universal characteristic called a structure expressed by the chemical formula H2O."FG, H, IGHIJ, K, LJKLM, N, OMNOP, Q, RPQRS, T, USTUV, W, XVWXY, ZYZ